We will find you. But in case we don’t, feel free to find us.
It’s the people that make up Kontrapunkt who give us our competitive edge. It’s the hands, heads and hearts behind the ideas we craft together that really make a difference. Which is why we spend so much time and effort looking for our next talented colleagues. It’s not about the latest photoshop plug-in, pixel-perfect UI kits, or even how many weird and wonderful typefaces our font server carries. Talent is the most important ingredient - and you can’t buy that on Envato unfortunately.

Who we are
Can a company be united by something as instinctive as a feeling?
We're not going to pretend we have some invisible cult-like bond that drives us towards a common purpose. But in some ways, we are strangely akin. You can sense it when you walk around our offices and meet people for the first time. There’s a certain ambition (often softened with a smidgen of modesty) accompanied by a deeply-held willingness to change things for the better. You’ll know if you fit in, you’ll feel it. So, if you’re a steely strategist with an appetite for progress, a determined designer or a writer of wrongs, maybe we should get to know each other?
What you'll do
We hope you’ll leave us richer, wiser and ever so slightly heavier.
When you join Kontrapunkt, you’ll join a bunch of diverse people brought together by the joy of doing something well. Naturally, we hope you’ll do the same. Stretch yourself on one of our many global client projects. Better yourself with a learning grant. Enrich yourself one of our many cultural initiatives. And treat yourself to an extra portion of our delicious catering at lunchtime. Go on, nobody’s looking.
By all means leave, just leave better.
It’s important for us that you grow and improve while you’re with us. With the diversity and scale of our client list, it’s difficult to avoid a pretty steep learning curve. And before you know it you’ll be popping tricks on that curve, like it’s some giant half-pipe of professional self-realisation. In fact, we’d only take it as a compliment if you get headhunted by another company at some point.
Sometimes input is as important as output.
Talk to us about learning something new. We’ve put aside funds for personal development for those who feel like stretching themselves. You might want to learn Japanese. Or dive head-first into life-drawing classes or the study of art history. Whatever floats your boat. If you’re become a slightly wiser and happier version of yourself, we all stand to gain, right?
Fun - technically, there’s a job number for that too.
Doing something other than working together is an important aspect of being a part of Kontrapunkt. A cultural trip to Berlin or Barcelona. Sometimes it doesn’t have to be more complicated than a game of rounders in the park and few cold drinks. We think it’s important we spend time letting our hair down together once in a while (those of us who still have some).
WFH or WFWherever and whenever you want.
Ok, so we have to be brutally honest here. If it wasn’t for a global pandemic we may not be where we are now. And thanks to covid, we’ve all discovered the advantages of working remotely. It’s not that we don’t love your foot-tapping or friendly morning chatter but sometimes it’s just more practical to stay at home and get shit done. And that’s fine with us. We’re all grown-ups. Talk to us about optimising your remote set-up and enjoy the flexibility that brings.